Reversals on a scale of 1 – 5 based on damage, invincibility and how safe it is:
· 5: Ryu, Seth, Sagat, Cammy, Rufus, Fei Long, Evil ryu…invincible, safe and damage potential
· 4: Honda, Akuma, Ken, Bison, Balrog, T.Hawk, Adon, Viper… safe and good damage potential
· 3: Ibuki, Gen, Dan, Dee Jay, Guy, Blanka, Dudley, Yun…less safety than above character’s
· 2: Sakura, Juri, Chun, Dhalsim, Abel, Cody, Guile, Rose…unsafe and little gain if successful
· 1: Makoto, Gouken, Hakan, Yang, Fuerte, Vega…very weak options