After a long hiatus, I figured that I would revive this blog and start writing SF thoughts here. First up on the agenda are my match up charts. There are tons of matchups to learn and I figured that I would try to record my current experience with matchups in regards to "comfort." There are matches where I'm extremely comfortable in, match ups where I just have no idea what to do, matches I'm still learning...the bar of comfort can vary greatly. Here's what my current chart looks like:
- Extremely comfortable...I'm gonna win =P. Unless I did something overly stupid or you showed me something I've never seen before, I'm not losing: Rose, Cody, Dudley, Blanka, Makoto, Sakura, Zangief (7)
- Comfortable but still learning...You might get me even when I'm on point, but you're going to have to be pretty good to get me because I'm pretty comfortable with these match ups: Dhalsim, Balrog, Honda, Chun Li, Ibuki, Juri, Ken, Seth, Vega, Ryu (10)
- Not exactly where I want to be yet...I've built good match up analysis but I need more exposure to figure out what I need to do to win against this set: Abel, Akuma, Cammy, Fei Long, Guile, Bison, Rufus, Sagat, Adon (9)
- Uncomfortable and ignorant...If you're even slightly decent with them you might get me because I haven't built a very strong game plan yet: Fuerte, Dee Jay, Gouken, Guy, T.Hawk (5)
- Undecided...I haven't fought these guys enough to make a strong game plan: Viper, Dan, Gen, Hakan, Sakura (5)
The "not exactly where I want to be yet" is the most interesting category to me as I feel as if I'm having a hard time learning these matchups because of how good they are (high on tier list to my standard)...Akuma being the only exception.
Hopefully I can come back to this in the future and write how I feel then.
Hello world!
3 years ago